Port Moresby Location Profile

Port Moresby Location Profile
Port Moresby Location Profile


Baim$1M - $4M
Rentim$1K - $3K
Bilong Salim
Bilong Salim132 Homes
Bilong Rentim
Bilong Rentim244 Homes

Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea and often called by its abbreviation POM or POM City, is presumed to be the largest city in the South Pacific, with an estimated 2020 population of just over 400,000, and distributed over a surface area of 240 kilometers, which roughly represents 1,500 residents per square kilometer. 

The City of Port Moresby is found on the island of New Guinea, a landmass shared with Indonesia, and lies south-east of the coast of the Papuan Peninsula, to which it significantly outlines the shores of the Gulf of Papua.

Real Estate in Port Moresby

Suburbs in Port Moresby