Lot 1, Kaubebe Street, Boroko Sec 9, Boroko, Port Moresby, NCD
For rent
K1,950per week per annum
Available now are 2x3 bedrooms split level units for lease that are just a minute away from Boroko.
Downstairs is a charmingly set up living area and dining area with an open plan kitchen plus a sliding glass door to the back. You have an indoor laundry area with a guest toilet downstairs, adding convenience for visitors. Bedrooms are upstairs, the 2 bedrooms share a toilet & shower while the master bedroom has an ensuite and a private balcony.
Air-condition and fans installed in all rooms of the house including the living area. All units come fully furnished with all white goods and are fully kitted.
These units are comfortable with a convenient living space and is located close to all amenities.
Backup ElectricityBackup WaterClose to SchoolsClose to ShopsClose to TransportEntertainment Area
FencedFully FurnishedModern BathroomQuiet LocationClose to Health Centres
Fully FencedSafe
24 Hour Security
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